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4 of 4 people found the following review helpful.
Synedrex works awesome
By Dee
My husband had heard about this product and told me I should try it so I did. Being a bit older 45 I will take anything to help drop the weight that seems to be on even working out at the gym 3-5 days a week. I can say with out a doubt this product works! I lost 13 lbs in 1 months and I was more energetic throughout my days. Anyone looking to lose weight and increase energy try this out!
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful.
Caution!! Works but these are borderline prescription pills
By Chris Ace
First off, I've tried a LOT of different "fat burning" pills (Lipo6X, Jet Fuel, Hydroxycut, Keytones, etc) and most of them usually just give you some energy.
However, SYNDREX, is on another level. My brother picked up a sample at a Vegas convention and told me how potent these were. I gave it a try.
I'm about 145lbs 5'5" NKA and it took about 30-45 minutes for me to feel a difference. First sign, overwhelming energy. I just wanted to get up and do something! Then my body felt like it was heating up. About 2 hours in, I feel really dizzy and nauseous. I had to focus really hard to not vomit. When I got up and walked around, I had an overwhelming feeling of the room spinning. With the dramatic loss in appetite, I didn't want to eat or drink either. This dizzy/nausea feeling lasted about 2 hours. After that, it was constant energy for another 6-8 hours.
So I'm told you have to take a complete big breakfast before taking these. Make sure you do! Eat, then take the pill about 30 minutes after and make sure you take it before 10am. When I take it around 10am, I still can't fall asleep till about 12-2am.
Weight loss? Yes! I've loss 15 lbs prior to taking these and I felt like I hit a wall. After trying these, it broke down that wall. For the first 5 days, I was losing about 1lb/day... not good. 2lbs/week is the healthiest way. I've taken a total of 6 pills and got down to 145.
Appetite suppression? Yes! I totally forget to eat and even when I'm presented with food I normally enjoy, I had no desire to eat or continue eating. But FORCE yourself to eat + drink. Don't put yourself at risk for unbalanced nutrition and electrolyte imbalances.
Side Effects? Nausea, Vomiting, Vertigo, Muscle Spasms, Palpitations, Tachycardia, Appetite suppression, and sometimes i get a piercing pain below my occipital lobe near my brain stem?
In conclusion, these things work, but be careful! These aren't like those other pills you see at GNC. Every time I think about taking these, I have to seriously plan my day and decide if it's a good idea to take these...I'm quite frankly scared of these pills lol MAKE SURE YOU EAT!
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Have to be careful with this!
By J. A. Larko
So, I started off by only taking a half a capsule for the first couple times, (had to do a weird sealing thing with the capsule by using my teeth) as my sister had taken a full cap at first and felt really sick. So after the first couple times, I took a full cap. It definatly suppressed my appetite, and within 5 days I had lost 5 pounds. Then into the second week, I was laying in bed, and my muscle in my leg started twitching...which happens sometimes, but only like once or twice then goes away. Well, this last 8 hours of heavy and annoying twitching! I was freaking out all night long...i would also get slight chest pangs, left arm and jaw...so I was nervous about that as well. Then I made the mistake of taking 2 one day as I was going to the gym and wanted some extra energy...I ran on the treadmill then went on the eliptical, which is my usual routine, but I feel very foggy and out of it. I stopped early on the eliptical when I realized my HR was almost 200. I went to the weights, and it slowed to 140, then I ended up leaving early...my HR stayed that way until about an hour or so later, as I was just resting....it was scary. Since then, when I've taken it every day, I started having an upset stomach constantly...started taking Tums, one for the stomach, and one for the occasional twitching, in case it was causing low calcium? It ended up helping..I took a break for 4 days, feel a lot better. And have started taking it every other day now. Also have decided to avoid my morning cup of coffee while I'm on it. I definatly has lasting energy, I'll take it after lunch, and it'll last til the next morning. I can fall asleep just fine, but end up waking up a few times during the night, but can usually go right back to sleep. In the morning, I can still feel the energy. I don't take it when I'm going to be drinking alcohol either, cuz I mad that mistake once, had only 2 drinks and was hung over the next day...must have dehydrated me. This is definatly not a supplement to mess around with....